
"The nation behaves well if it treats the natural resources as assets which it must turn over to the next generation increased, and not impaired in value." Theodore Roosevelt

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Stakeholder Management

Today's topic would be:
Stakeholder Management

For those who write their report using GRI index, then they know that one if the indicator require to disclose is how their company manage their stakeholder, under terms of stakeholder engagement.

The company being asked on how they identify their stakeholder, how they map it, analyze it and prioritize it..their approach and tools of analysis will help readers to understand company view, priority and also interest.

How the company design their engagement plan, explain how company thinks, committed and position them selves among their stakeholder. Do they consider is equal, higher, or others..

Some says.."keep your enemy closer then your friends".. why?? this term is logicaly correct.. why?

Because my experiences thought me that, I understand my friends because I know them very well. I know what they like, what they not like, their dreams, their hobbies, their interest in life..and above all that I know how my friends would act or react..simply because I know them.

So imagine if, we could understand our enemy, if we understand who they are, where they get their funds (tell us how they actually do their business, what their agenda, under what flag or brand, etc).. imagine if we know their strength and their weakness..

If we understand those, then we could analyze their response to our action or to our business decission..business moves..

If we could do that, then we could assess our risk and plan our response to their estimated-future-plan-action, and we also could identify an entry point to communicate or to engage

Therefore profiling is essential, we could also assess with behaviour analysis, remember our stakeholder although is an institution, a group or another company but they are actually a representative of people. Analyze your SH skill then you understand their strength.. understand their personal life, then you might find their weakness.

Above all that, stakeholder management is how a company as member of community treat and interact with their neighbour, friends, etc..

Within we could learn company's true identity and point of view, were they gready, nose up, down to earth, easy going, reliable, sincere, etc...

the whole mapping, analysis and engagement plan is not only good for a company to follow, but also good for we as ordinary people.. this is how you develop a strategy to interact with others surrounds you, with one who affected by you up to the one that you could do effect to..

1 comment:

Unknown said...

thanks john, it was nice that someone consider it useful