
"The nation behaves well if it treats the natural resources as assets which it must turn over to the next generation increased, and not impaired in value." Theodore Roosevelt

Monday, September 27, 2010

The 3rd International CSR Conference

Today's topic would be:

The Conference will be officially opened by H. E. Dr. Boediono, Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia


PLENARY I : Leadership and Policy in CSR

Mr. Peter Brew, Director Asia - International Business Leaders Forum (IBLF)Download Profile ››

Mr. Putera Sampoerna, Founder of Putera Sampoerna Foundation (PSF)Download Profile ››

Dr. Bambang Widianto, Executive Secretary of TNP2K Secretariat Vice President of the Republic of IndonesiaDownload Profile ››

PLENARY II: Systems / Instrumentation for Practicing Effective CSR

Ms. Sandra Taylor, Board of Directors for Center for Private Enterprise (CIPE)Download Profile ››

Mr. Mochamad Harun, VP Corporate Communication PT. Pertamina (Persero)

Mr. Haryadi Sukamdani, Vice President of Monetary, Fiscal and Public Policy - Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN)

PLENARY III: Implementation and Communication Reporting

Mr. Michael Oxman, Director of Advisory Services - Business for Social Responsibility (BSR)Download Profile ››

Mr. Yann Brault, Sustainable Development Director Danone Aqua & Coordinator Danone Ecosysteme Asia PositionDownload Profile ››

Mr. Yos A. Ginting, Director External Relations Communication & Contribution PT. H.M. Sampoerna, TbkDownload Profile ››

PLENARY IV : Summary and Closing

Mr. Silverius Oscar Unggul, Founder of TELAPAKDownload Profile ››

Mr. Prof. Dr. Emil Salim, Founder of KEHATIDownload Profile ››

Closing Remarks by Mr. Noke Kiroyan, Conference Chair/Chairman Board of Patrons Indonesia Business Links (IBL)Download Profile ››


Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Break-out Session I : Leadership required for effective CSR and policy that support sustainable development

A. Human Capital Development

1st Speaker - Mr. Josef Bataona, Human Resources & Corporate Relations Director Unilever Indonesia, Tbk

2nd Speaker - Mr. Aristides Katoppo, Founder of United In Diversity (UID)

B. Corporate Governance and Anti-Corruption

Mr. David W. Brown - Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI)Download Profile ››

Mrs. Maria Nindita Radyati, Program Director MM-CSR - Trisakti University

(Master Degree Program with specialization in CSR)Download Profile ››

C. The Environment

1st Speaker - PT. Vestergaard Frandsen Indonesia

Mr. P.L. Coutrier, Board of Adviser - Indonesia Environtmental AssociationDownload Profile ››

D. Local Economic Development

1st Speaker - Mr. David Hulse, Representative / Indonesia FordFoundation Jakarta

2nd Speaker - RAPP *)

E. Conflict and Natural Disaster Risk Management

1st Speaker - Mr. Sugeng Tri Utomo, Deputy I - Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB) *)

Ms. Cynthia Jones, Head, Private Partnerships for Asia - World Food ProgrammeDownload Profile ››

Break-out Session II : Systems applied to conduct CSR partnership

A. Human Capital Development

Mr. A'an Suryana, Staff Writter and Secretary Editorial The Jakarta PostDownload Profile ››

Fransiscus Welirang, CEO BogasariDownload Profile ››

B. Corporate Governance and Anti-Corruption

1st Speaker - Mr. Todung Mulya Lubis, Transparency International Indonesia (TII)

Mr. Rodney Hay, Executive Director Forensic Services - Deloitte & Touche Financial Advisory ServicesDownload Profile ››

C. The Environment

1st Speaker - Mr. Budi Yuwono, Director of Human Settlement Ministry of Public Works

2nd Speaker – Mr. Sawedi Muhammad, General Manager of Community Relations and Provincial External Relations - PT. International Nickel Indonesia Tbk (INCO) *)

D. Local Economic Development

1st Speaker - Mr.Prof. Dr. Thoby Mutis Rector of Trisakti University Jakarta *)

2nd Speaker – Mr. Dani Priyono, CSV Manager PT Nestle Indonesia

E. Conflict and Natural Disaster Risk Management

1st Speaker - Mr. Eamon Ginley, President Director – HOLCIM *)

Mr. Avianto Amri, Disaster Management Program Manager Plan InternationalDownload Profile ››

Thursday, 30 September 2010

Break-out Session III : Implementation of CSR through Stakeholder Partnership

A. Human Capital Development

1st Speaker - Ms. Claire Deevy, Regional Community Affairs Manager – Microsoft Asia Pacific *)

2nd Speaker – Mr. Peter van Rooij, ILO

B. Corporate Governance and Anti-Corruption

Mr. Tjahjono Soerjodibroto, LPPMDownload Profile ››

Mrs. Yanti Triwadiantini Koestoer, Executive Director of Indonesia Business Links (IBL)Download Profile ››

C. The Environment

Mrs. Noesita Indriani, Corporate Secretary – PT. Indonesia PowerDownload Profile ››

Mr. Agus Sari, CEO of CCF Conservation & Non-Executive Director of PEACEDownload Profile ››

D. Local Economic Development

Mrs. Katri Krisnati - Community Relations Manager, ExxonMobil Oil Indonesia IncDownload Profile ››

Mr. Riza Pratama, Corporate Social Responsibility Officer, PT. Freeport Indonesia (PTFI)Download Profile ››

E. Conflict and Natural Disaster Risk Management

1st Speaker - Ms. Amalia Yunita, Founder of Global Rescue Network

Mr. Krishna PribadiDownload Profile ››

Break-out Session IV : Monitoring and Reporting of CSR Implementation

A. Human Capital Development

1st Speaker - Mr. Muhammad Ariono Margiono, Maverick

Mr. Hardinsyah, National Center for Sustainability Reporting (NCSR)Download Profile ››

B. Corporate Governance and Anti-Corruption

1st Speaker - Mr. Erry Riyana Hardjapamekas, Commissioner of Hero / Giant Supermarket

Dr. James Simanjuntak Indonesian Institute for Corporate Directorship (IICD)Download Profile ››

C. The Environment

1st Speaker - Mr. Daud Dharsono, President Director - PT. Smart, Tbk *)

Mr. Asril Darussamin, Indonesia Representatives and Small Holder Coordinator – Roundtable Sustainable Palm oil (RSPO)Download Profile ››

D. Local Economic Development

1st Speaker - Mr. Erwin Maryoto, Papua Affairs Senior Manager – British Petroleum (BP) Papua

2nd Speaker – Sujana, Deputy Menko Kesra

E. Conflict and Natural Disaster Risk Management

1st Speaker - Mr. Budi Darmawan, Bidang Bencana & Communication Affairs Pundi Amal SCTV

Mr. Jimmy Nadapdap, Humanitarian Emergency Affairs Director World Vision IndonesiaDownload Profile ››


Asean Foundation Representatives

Mr. Dr. Filemon A. Uriarte, Jr, Executive Director - Asean FoundationDownload Profile ››

Mr. Edgardo C. Amistad, Chairman - League of Corporate Foundations, Philippines

Canadian Embassy

Mr. John Ridsdel, Senior Vice President & Chief Operating Officer - TVI Resource Dev't. (Phils.) Inc.Download Profile ››

Ms. Phuong Hoang, Corporate Responsibility Specialist - Talisman Vietnam LimitedDownload Profile ››

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