
"The nation behaves well if it treats the natural resources as assets which it must turn over to the next generation increased, and not impaired in value." Theodore Roosevelt

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Introducing Corporate Durability

Today's topic would be:

Corporate Durability (taken from the Durability institute)

Sustainability requires a radical rethink and a move aware from the cosy security of the Brundtland definition. We therefore reject the accepted terms of sustainability and sustainable development, preferring instead to use the term durability to emphasise the change in focus.

The essential features of durability can be described as follows:

Efficiency is concerned with the best use of scarce resources. This requires a redefinition of inputs to the transformational process and a focus upon environmental resources as the scarce resource

Efficiency is concerned with optimising the use of the scarce resources (ie environmental resources) rather than with cost reduction

Value is added through technology and innovation rather than through expropriation

Outputs are redefined to include distributional effects to all stakeholders

Strategies for sustainable development

Identify the true scarce resources and develop techniques to use then efficiently.
Measure and record all the effects of organisational activity and ensure an equitable distribution of these effects.

Development requires the continual balancing of all relevant factors and the privileging of none.

Contact us

For speaking: speaking@thedurabilityinstitute.org

For teaching: teaching@thedurabilityinstitute.org

For consultancy: consulting@thedurabilityinstitute.org

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