
"The nation behaves well if it treats the natural resources as assets which it must turn over to the next generation increased, and not impaired in value." Theodore Roosevelt

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Update September 2010

Todays Update would be:

Newmont Included in Dow Jones Sustainability World Index for Fourth Consecutive Year

Posted: Sep 22, 2010 – 01:47 PM EST at http://www.csrwire.com/

DENVER, Sep. 22 /CSRwire/ - Newmont Mining Corporation (NYSE: NEM) ("Newmont" or "the Company") today announced that it was selected to be included in the prestigious Dow Jones Sustainability World Index (www.sustainability-index.com) for the fourth consecutive year. In 2007, Newmont became the first gold company included in the index. In addition, Newmont was selected for inclusion in the DJSI North America Index in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010.

"Demonstrating industry leadership in our environmental and social performance over the long-term is vital to the ongoing success of our business," said Richard O'Brien, Newmont's President and Chief Executive Officer. "To ensure Newmont remains sustainable, profitable and responsible we must strive to lead in safety, environmental stewardship and social responsibility."

DJSI World, Dow Jones' premier sustainability index, tracks the performance of 2,500 leading companies, worldwide. The index independently evaluates companies' long-term economic, environmental, and social performance, publicly identifying the top 10 percent of performers in areas of sustainability.

O'Brien went on to add, "I am especially proud of our employees whose ongoing commitment to sustainability honors our core values. Year after year, our employees consistently demonstrate leadership by delivering sustainable value and opportunity for our shareholders, employees and host communities."

Companies are selected based on a systematic assessment identifying the top sustainability leaders in 58 different industry groups. The methodology evaluates companies based on a variety of criteria, including transparency, corporate governance, risk and crisis management, environmental management and performance, stakeholder engagement, community development, energy management and climate change, biodiversity, human resources, and safety.

Earlier this year, Newmont was ranked 16th on Corporate Responsibility magazine's annual list of 100 Best Corporate Citizens. Newmont is the only mining company in the list's top 20, joining businesses such as Intel, Gap, IBM and Microsoft.

More information on Newmont's environmental and social performance can be found in the company's annual sustainability report, www.BeyondTheMine.com. The report is published as part of the company's ongoing obligations as a founding member of the International Council on Mining and Metals (www.icmm.com) and in accordance with its commitments under the United Nations' Global Compact (www.unglobalcompact.org) and the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights (www.voluntaryprinciples.org).

About Newmont

Founded in 1921 and publicly traded since 1925, Newmont (www.newmont.com) is one of the largest gold companies in the world. Headquartered in Colorado, the Company has approximately 35,000 employees and contractors, with the majority working at core operations in the United States, Australia, Peru, Indonesia and Ghana. Newmont is the only gold company listed in the S&P 500 index and in 2007 became the first gold company selected to be part of the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index. Newmont's industry leading performance is reflected through high standards in environmental management, health and safety for its employees and creating value and opportunity for host communities and shareholders.

 taken from http://www.businessrespect.net/
Germany: Deutsche Telekom CEO in bribery investigation
Deutsche Telekom chief executive Rene Obermann and seven others are being investigated by the German authorities over allegations of bribery, according to the company.

The move focuses on activities in some of the company's businesses based in Macedonia and Montenegro, where bribes have allegedly been paid to influence regulators. Rene Obermann has rejected the suggestions of bribery as being false.

An investigation by the US authorities has been underway already for the last four years. It called upon Mr Obermann as a witness last year, and has to date made no charge that the chief executive was thought to have been directly involved.

Last month, the German authorities raided Mr Obermann's home - a move which the company labelled as 'disproportionate'.

Dated :15 Sep 2010

Russia: Microsoft tries to sidestep crackdowns on political groups
Microsoft has announced that it is instructing its Russian business not to take part in software piracy actions. The move follows criticism that the security services in Russia had been using alleged software piracy as an excuse to harrass and suppress opposition groups.

Raids against opposition groups have often been supported by private lawyers working from Microsoft, which has been more assertive in recent years over trying to defend its intellectual property rights. However, such raids have been noted to coincide with events being organised by the groups, and illegal software has rarely been discovered.

Previously, Microsoft had dismissed accusations, suggesting it was simply complying with local laws. The new policy, that the company would no longer support what it considered to be politically motivated actions, recognises that this has not been the case. In a statement on its blog, the company also said that it would offer legal aid to nonprofit groups that have been the target of software piracy actions.

Dated :13 Sep 2010

Apple suppliers in bribery charges
The two Apple suppliers named as having benefited from bribery allegedly received by its procurement executive Paul Devine have responded to charges. Devine has been accused by the company of having received more than $1m from Asian suppliers in return for confidential market information.

Taiwan firm Pegatron said that it has now suspended a manager that had been involved in the practices pending its own investigations.

South Korea's Cresyn has denied any wrongdoing, saying that it had signed a legal consultancy agreement with Paul Devine providing legal information about US market trends. However, Apple has said that the consultancy agreement included confidential information such as Apple product roadmaps and sales forecasts.

Devine is currently held in prison pending trial.

Dated :18 Aug 2010

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