
"The nation behaves well if it treats the natural resources as assets which it must turn over to the next generation increased, and not impaired in value." Theodore Roosevelt

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Reviewing Green-Bank, provocative idea..

Today's topic would be:

If we asking or discussing about social impact or environment impact against mining company, gas company, oil or even plantation company then there will be much bullet points explaining this, that..etc..

But if we asking against banking company.. then the answer might not be so easy or at least not as fast as those company who explore natural resource or operate in agriculture based company.

For an instant answer to start a discussion, we think that banking company is included in most company using paper-based promotion, administration and support system. If we specify per item of what are their paper-based needs, we could say;
a. Brochures
b. deposit slip
c. transfer slip
d. withdrawal slip
e. transfer slip
f. Account application form
g. Credit application form
h. Mortage application form
i. product leaflets
j. terms and conditions
k. etc..

then if they launching their new product, then they will have tons of posters, banners..

We could see by our own eyes that their paper waste is high..so what are the solutions to encounter that issues in order to be acknowledge green-banking?

Worldwide banking such as Citibank has start e-statement, e-promotion even e-rewards book, provide on-line banking, mobile banking, etc..

Yes that has provenly create vulnerability that leave room for internal people or a great hacker to create fraud transaction..

In Indonesia, it is on-going case of MD (initial name) as one of trusted official by the bank to serve their priority customers that now being investigate with fraud that has suffered Citibank customers great deal of loss.

But if in terms of effort to majorly reduce their paper needs then what they did was great an consider as innovative.

Another new idea that I could provocatively propose is; changing a cheque book into "password-based" with combination of number and alphabetical learning from what Western Union did for their money wired transaction method.

Imagine if we could do that then perhaps we have less risk of blank cheque missing, and criminal risk during our way to bank to cash our cheque.

other idea to improve their strategic plan in regards to reducing energy use, is by analyzing location for atm, why.. if we don't analyze it well then we end up with one atm using one AC supported by one generator that use fossil fuel. Then we could calculate how much we could cut, if we decide to open the atm in a building that has already central AC and has already electricity power.

Therefore no additional generator and AC per atm.

Or try to design an atm room with good air circulation therefore no AC, good lighting (window, etc) then no lamp, or just try to use solar energy or wind energy as source.

Just an idea of my restless sleep last night.. again personal opinion..

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