
"The nation behaves well if it treats the natural resources as assets which it must turn over to the next generation increased, and not impaired in value." Theodore Roosevelt

Monday, April 18, 2011

Strategic Plan

Today's topic would be:

Strategic Plan

To start your CSR framework, you need to have a strategic plan, it could be for period of five years or 10 years. The important thing is that within that document you need to anylize your target, set an indicator of your performance, and milestone per year so then you understand what to do every year.

there are some organization supply free strategic plan for CSR by free sometime, you search one of them at the net. One of them is mystrategicplan.com, here is what they view about strategic CSR;

So what is Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility? By taking a strategic approach, companies can determine what activities they have the resources to devote to being socially responsible and can choose that which will strengthen their competitive advantage. By planning out CSR as part of a company’s over all plan, organizations can ensure that profits and increasing shareholder value don’t overshadow the need to behave ethically to their stakeholders.

Strategic CSR provides companies with solutions for:
  • Balancing the creating of economic value with that of societal value
  • How to manage their stakeholder relationships (especially those with competing values)
  • Identifying and responding to threats and opportunities facing their stakeholders
  • Developing sustainable business practices
  • Deciding the organization’s capacity for philanthropic activities

 Other than that is using Balance Score Card, but not just any BSC since this is more similar to non provit project, then we need to apply the social enterprise BSC. This is also freely provided by some organization at the internet, one of them is http://www.proveandimprove.org/new/tools/socialenterprise.php
Key: White circles reflect objectives
Dotted arrows reflect cause and effect linkages
Note: this is meant as an example; organisations customise their strategy maps to reflect their goals

Jadi caranya adalah pertama buat Strategi CSR or Sustainability Anda, kemudian identifikasi tolak ukur keberhasilannya melalui analisa indikator keberhasilan dimana setiap indikator harus bisa dibuktikan dengan data kuantitatif dan data kualitatif.

terakhir adalah, monitoring pencapaian atau pelakasanaan berdasarkan indikator dan milestone yang sudah kita buat.

Analisa kembali apakah dalam kurun waktu yang direncanakan target tersebut akan tercapai, jika tidak mulai analisa kendala nya lalu analisa resikonya dan identifikasi solusinya hingga Anda bisa membuat revisi strategy atau rencana startegy lanjutan.

Many companies does not have a strategic plan particularly for CSR or Sustainability, that may be what cause some company didn't do excellent in their CSR performance, they just did but no direction, no performance indicator, then under what indicator they could say they succeed?

this is purely personal opinion with meant only to take a lesson learn

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