
"The nation behaves well if it treats the natural resources as assets which it must turn over to the next generation increased, and not impaired in value." Theodore Roosevelt

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Stakeholder Management

Today's topic would be:
Stakeholder Management

For those who write their report using GRI index, then they know that one if the indicator require to disclose is how their company manage their stakeholder, under terms of stakeholder engagement.

The company being asked on how they identify their stakeholder, how they map it, analyze it and prioritize it..their approach and tools of analysis will help readers to understand company view, priority and also interest.

How the company design their engagement plan, explain how company thinks, committed and position them selves among their stakeholder. Do they consider is equal, higher, or others..

Some says.."keep your enemy closer then your friends".. why?? this term is logicaly correct.. why?

Because my experiences thought me that, I understand my friends because I know them very well. I know what they like, what they not like, their dreams, their hobbies, their interest in life..and above all that I know how my friends would act or react..simply because I know them.

So imagine if, we could understand our enemy, if we understand who they are, where they get their funds (tell us how they actually do their business, what their agenda, under what flag or brand, etc).. imagine if we know their strength and their weakness..

If we understand those, then we could analyze their response to our action or to our business decission..business moves..

If we could do that, then we could assess our risk and plan our response to their estimated-future-plan-action, and we also could identify an entry point to communicate or to engage

Therefore profiling is essential, we could also assess with behaviour analysis, remember our stakeholder although is an institution, a group or another company but they are actually a representative of people. Analyze your SH skill then you understand their strength.. understand their personal life, then you might find their weakness.

Above all that, stakeholder management is how a company as member of community treat and interact with their neighbour, friends, etc..

Within we could learn company's true identity and point of view, were they gready, nose up, down to earth, easy going, reliable, sincere, etc...

the whole mapping, analysis and engagement plan is not only good for a company to follow, but also good for we as ordinary people.. this is how you develop a strategy to interact with others surrounds you, with one who affected by you up to the one that you could do effect to..

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Why we, Indonesian, have limited expert.. (personal review)

Today's topic would be:
Why we, Indonesian, have limited expert.. (personal review)

A book that my husband read says that in order for a person to become an expert they must invest and dedicate more than 50,000 hours to that specific competency or skill they wannabe an expert of.

Once I read somewhere in the net that Michael Sumacher (sorry if the name spelling is wrong) the legendary F1 racer has already dedicating his live since such young age, around 5 years old (again sorry if not accurate) using only a wooden car.

Or if we read biography of a researcher, a scientist, a writer, etc.. they start their experties training ever since they are in kindergarten or primary school.

Now why my topic for today is "Why we, Indonesian, has limited expert..?" aside from fact that indeed our dear country has limited experts, those experts are not covering every single experties exist or require by the our life.

We do has nuclear expert although most of them not working in Indonesia, we have many reasercher and yes most of them again working under International agencies.. and the one experties that we do have an expert are in art, music, culture, or writing..

Or even if we do have the regeneration is not happening and we end up with a crisis, such as what the radio broadcast last night reported that we will soon face the condition of lacking a helycoper pilot..about 50-70 pilot, due to scheduled retirement plan of senior pilot.

If we taking a deep analysis and learn from other country such as Europe or US, we then realize there are a different basic approach or parenting that we do in terms of introducing our children, our future generation, into variaty of profession, of experties..of jobs..

In US if we see in most family movie, they show that school will invite parents or famous person with unique job to tell a story in class of 1st grade or second grade or toddler at kindergarten.. a story of what is the scope of work of one profession, what is their doing in simple words, why they are doing, and how they could become like that..

They show a role model, a "teladan" in Indonesian term, that could inspire a child to put their dreams as high as a star..and that it is possible to achieve if they committed to their dreams..through education and skill practices..

Last night I watch, Junior Masterchef Australia, season finale, and what interest me is one of the contestant, Siena a nine years old girl, said after he failed to pass the grand finale test was "I am winner already", "I'm very proud of myself right now" she so happy she made it that far and she has a new wishlist.."In ten years time, I want to open my own desert store" since she is known as the best desert junior chef contestant..

Gosh.. a 9 years old could project her life in ten years with specific time target, specific achievement and show determination to achieve it..

thumbs up Siena..

And if we look back to our dear future generation in our dear country, Indonesia, how many that you think have that specific dream projection in their life? I even not sure if I ask this to a senior high student, a good and measurable answer could be received.

Why.. easy, we are not use to think like that, to prepare our life like that..

During our childhood, we play around, and unsure with what we wanna be, that is fine we are children.. but if we were not introduce with different kind of experties, different kind of hobies, different kind of profession..then for sure we had already limit our selves with a few profession or experties we know..by our daily live..and usually those are; a teacher, a doctor, working in office (not sure what position), working in bank like teller, a driver, a police, or government official (again not sure what post, what institution)

And we end up with wrong major during Senior high, University, etc..

by the time we realize what we want for our job, our dream job, we already like above 20 years old, or worst above 30 or 40 years old,..and we end up with catching up our lost time of educating our selves for that dream job in the stage of not young again, with low health condition, and many dependants..

Most of my friends working as recruitment complaint how difficult it is to find a good and potential candidate for the vacant post..while the reality shows millions of people looking for job.. this not-match experties happend because we let it..

If we want to end it, then we need to change how we educate our children, start with our own.. my son said "Mommy I want to be a racer, a hot wheel racer..." it means we don't have to be a singer to introduce our child with singing, we don't have to be a racer to introduce what is a racer, what do the doctor do, what is a consultant do, what is a project manager do..etc..

Introduce your children with activities in daily life, always answer their curios question of someone working on something, explain what you know in a simple way.. then you will amaze with what your children could inteprete.. They are the owner of future world, the world that we could not imagine..the world with new possibility and only by supporting them with chance to learn all possibility..and potential, they will then understand and show us what is their true potential..

And if that comes out, our job is to assist them to be the best that they could be..

for my son Abimanyu and daughter Zara..Mommy love you..thank you for asking many questions..and always joyfull to learn new things..

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Reviewing Green-Bank, provocative idea..

Today's topic would be:

If we asking or discussing about social impact or environment impact against mining company, gas company, oil or even plantation company then there will be much bullet points explaining this, that..etc..

But if we asking against banking company.. then the answer might not be so easy or at least not as fast as those company who explore natural resource or operate in agriculture based company.

For an instant answer to start a discussion, we think that banking company is included in most company using paper-based promotion, administration and support system. If we specify per item of what are their paper-based needs, we could say;
a. Brochures
b. deposit slip
c. transfer slip
d. withdrawal slip
e. transfer slip
f. Account application form
g. Credit application form
h. Mortage application form
i. product leaflets
j. terms and conditions
k. etc..

then if they launching their new product, then they will have tons of posters, banners..

We could see by our own eyes that their paper waste is high..so what are the solutions to encounter that issues in order to be acknowledge green-banking?

Worldwide banking such as Citibank has start e-statement, e-promotion even e-rewards book, provide on-line banking, mobile banking, etc..

Yes that has provenly create vulnerability that leave room for internal people or a great hacker to create fraud transaction..

In Indonesia, it is on-going case of MD (initial name) as one of trusted official by the bank to serve their priority customers that now being investigate with fraud that has suffered Citibank customers great deal of loss.

But if in terms of effort to majorly reduce their paper needs then what they did was great an consider as innovative.

Another new idea that I could provocatively propose is; changing a cheque book into "password-based" with combination of number and alphabetical learning from what Western Union did for their money wired transaction method.

Imagine if we could do that then perhaps we have less risk of blank cheque missing, and criminal risk during our way to bank to cash our cheque.

other idea to improve their strategic plan in regards to reducing energy use, is by analyzing location for atm, why.. if we don't analyze it well then we end up with one atm using one AC supported by one generator that use fossil fuel. Then we could calculate how much we could cut, if we decide to open the atm in a building that has already central AC and has already electricity power.

Therefore no additional generator and AC per atm.

Or try to design an atm room with good air circulation therefore no AC, good lighting (window, etc) then no lamp, or just try to use solar energy or wind energy as source.

Just an idea of my restless sleep last night.. again personal opinion..

Monday, April 18, 2011

Strategic Plan

Today's topic would be:

Strategic Plan

To start your CSR framework, you need to have a strategic plan, it could be for period of five years or 10 years. The important thing is that within that document you need to anylize your target, set an indicator of your performance, and milestone per year so then you understand what to do every year.

there are some organization supply free strategic plan for CSR by free sometime, you search one of them at the net. One of them is mystrategicplan.com, here is what they view about strategic CSR;

So what is Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility? By taking a strategic approach, companies can determine what activities they have the resources to devote to being socially responsible and can choose that which will strengthen their competitive advantage. By planning out CSR as part of a company’s over all plan, organizations can ensure that profits and increasing shareholder value don’t overshadow the need to behave ethically to their stakeholders.

Strategic CSR provides companies with solutions for:
  • Balancing the creating of economic value with that of societal value
  • How to manage their stakeholder relationships (especially those with competing values)
  • Identifying and responding to threats and opportunities facing their stakeholders
  • Developing sustainable business practices
  • Deciding the organization’s capacity for philanthropic activities

 Other than that is using Balance Score Card, but not just any BSC since this is more similar to non provit project, then we need to apply the social enterprise BSC. This is also freely provided by some organization at the internet, one of them is http://www.proveandimprove.org/new/tools/socialenterprise.php
Key: White circles reflect objectives
Dotted arrows reflect cause and effect linkages
Note: this is meant as an example; organisations customise their strategy maps to reflect their goals

Jadi caranya adalah pertama buat Strategi CSR or Sustainability Anda, kemudian identifikasi tolak ukur keberhasilannya melalui analisa indikator keberhasilan dimana setiap indikator harus bisa dibuktikan dengan data kuantitatif dan data kualitatif.

terakhir adalah, monitoring pencapaian atau pelakasanaan berdasarkan indikator dan milestone yang sudah kita buat.

Analisa kembali apakah dalam kurun waktu yang direncanakan target tersebut akan tercapai, jika tidak mulai analisa kendala nya lalu analisa resikonya dan identifikasi solusinya hingga Anda bisa membuat revisi strategy atau rencana startegy lanjutan.

Many companies does not have a strategic plan particularly for CSR or Sustainability, that may be what cause some company didn't do excellent in their CSR performance, they just did but no direction, no performance indicator, then under what indicator they could say they succeed?

this is purely personal opinion with meant only to take a lesson learn

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Social Responsibility (?)

Today's topic would be:

Social Responsibility..?

As we all may read in news paper, watch in television, news channel, radio and internet that our world is now facing several crisis.

Middle east with their awaken-democracy spirit rebel the rulling government who has been rulled for decades..

Japan eart quake and tsunami, with additional of nuclear crisis and economy challenges ahead them as an after shock of their natural dissaster, factories closed, people jobless, poverty will soon be a threat..

While the rest of the world are fighting to green economic with sustainability development as their new point of view and faith.. balancing profit and protecting planet and prospering the people are not easy nor simple.. it takes long debatable effort, commitments and faith towards betterment of our dear live in earth.. our existing as human being, a mojority species on earth.. or for some people on..entire universe..

If we take Corporate Social Responsibility as a topic then we might talked about how the business in Japan response to their crisis, how Tepco mitigate their nuclear crisis..

how Unilever might act with their supplier and vendor in terms of fullfiling their green commitment or how KFC said they would change their oil with rapeseed oil from palm oil.

But with what happend in Japan, in middle east and other crisis all over the world.. I think its about time we ask about "Country Social Responsibility" if a corporate can be consider as a corporate citizenship, then why not a country?

We then could talk about how a country could share some responsibility from what they are doing as a business, as a community that effect to other country as their neighbour.. If we think that then human relief to neighbouring country will be consider as mandatory relief.. beacuse if that country failed to survive then will create a domino effect world wide..

then we further ask about how each country treat their waste management, their carbon footprint, their water and soil..

do they comply with Human rights, with environment management like ISO 14001? etc...

why not bother a country? ... debat them.. why not?

why only hit a corporate when if in some facts government of a country contributes half of their sins? because their in charge with monitoring, license and certain kind of certification that they said has to be comply with..

If a president of a house member vocally support to reduce green house gases provoke their business community and people to concern with carboon foot print, then why not asked them their own track record on carbon foot print? how their country minimize the use of fossil energy? ..etc..

then when its done, we again question, how about our personal social responsibility? to your family, to your neighbour.. to your community.. to your country..

So I guess the bottom line is that;

Social responsibility is not about who doing it? is about how you do it? .. and the most importance thing is every one, every community, every business and every country need to doing it..

Only by then, our dear planet could reach a balance..and sustainbility will achieved