
"The nation behaves well if it treats the natural resources as assets which it must turn over to the next generation increased, and not impaired in value." Theodore Roosevelt

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

New Sustainability Consultant, ISORES

Today's topic would be: ISORES as new Sustainability Consultant Services

ISORES is actually a short version of Indonesian Social Responsibility, which is this blog. In 2015 me and some expert friends in Sustainability gather to open a one stop Sustainability Services Consultant Company.

ISORES provides services that could assist in your Business and Management, in your Environmental Stewardship and Protection, and also in your Social Responsibility. ISORES services provides assistance from strategic, up to program implementation, monitoring and audit preparation.

Among other things that they could assist you with, they could assist your preparation of ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, ISO 26000, RSPO P&C implementation, RSPO gap analysis for audit preparation, ISPO preparation, etc. They also could assist you with training and capacity building.

They could help you to develop your own unique Sustainability Strategy, SOP, Policies, Tools and up to Performance Indicator for the employee and also for the Sustainability Program apply to your stakeholder.

They had tools to measure your stakeholder satisfaction, your program CSR implementation, your employee satisfaction, and develop performance index for your program to communities.

please do visit their website www.isoresid.com and feel free to contact them for further information at servicedesk@isoresid.com

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