
"The nation behaves well if it treats the natural resources as assets which it must turn over to the next generation increased, and not impaired in value." Theodore Roosevelt

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Engaging your staff to your Social Responsibility Programs

Today's topic would be:
Engaging your staff to your Social Responsibility Programs

In theory of Stakeholder mapping, your internal staff is consider as one of your key stakeholder as well. Fortunately they could also be your main human resource to support your Social Responsibility program.


  1. Your HRD shall already have a complete competency and skill mapping and database from all staff at all grade and group category
  2. You need to already have a clear core program and framework of your CSR would be like
  3. Then you could do a cross reference analyze using those two document I mention in no 1 & 2, and identify similarity of skill or competency. By doing this exercise your company might cut off external expertise fee budget which you need to implement a training for your community stakeholder. That sometime the cost is higher than the total project of development afterward.
  4. This exercise can be also added to your staff performance evaluation indicator under "a social voluntary contribution" which of course endorse and acknowledge by management as performance to contribute to company commitment in CSR or Community Development
  5. This exercise can also be one of solution to your bored staff to release some of their work stress under routine schedule, and felt personal satisfaction by helping other who is needed. Some people mostly felt great relieve when they learned that they are meant something, that they are still worthy and can be valuable to their community.
  6. This initiative can also create a total different image of your company from a closed and rather ignorant to an open, sincere and caring company.
  7. If you could ask your top management to event do a sharing workshop on how they end up as top management to those "new starter entrepreneur of community" then it might do your relationship with your stakeholder higher, or even be a guest lecture to a local university who might have any role model to invite and inspire their students with.

These whole exercise are meant to ensure your stakeholder that your company is truly committed not only on paper, and therefore all workforce at all level is encourage to engage to all programs.

Just a thoughts.. I know some company has done it, but many who still unsure to doing it..

Please share your experience too..

Preparing your first Sustainability Report

Today's topic would be:
Preparing your first Sustainability Report

For those companies who are trying to prepare their first Sustainability Report, here are some tips which I learned from my own;
  1. Identified all compliance standard which your company has already followed and reported
  2. Do a linkage analysis between GRI indicators against each of those compliance you had (for example, against ISO 14001, OHSAS, ISO 26000, or some other specific indicators for forestry, plantation or mining that is locally applied or mandatory by certification). This is actually the hard part, since you will require to analyze each of indicator and learn more about the similarity and differences.This exercise is good so then in the future your team would not be having replication of data preparation and report which will create stress and negative enthusiasm when again they heard the company would have another indicators of compliance to follow.
  3. Do only a short briefing which explained more on why we are doing this report, what is the impact if the report is good or bad, and how they could contribute to this report. And set a theme for your first report. This theme shall be different every year based on your group focus, this theme will help you and your theme identified which one of those reports and data will be selected as your this year progress story.
  4. Have already a check list in your hand that has been separately identified per target group of department with indicators that they have to complete
  5. Set a clear time line to monitor your data collection
  6. Try different way of presenting report, by using interactive and creative way of producing charts, photos, etc
  7. If you can't write then hired a professional writer to write your report, but do have a story line as your guidelines so you still be the leader of that report
  8. Prepare your data always for previous, current and future plan with back up file up to five years document
  9. Agreed with your management about which one you want to disclose and which one is not based on your company sensitivity
  10. Create separate filing and database for all these supporting document and draft your prepare, since it would be an annual event
  11. Lean from other companies who has published their report, and try to get the most similar type of company.
  12. With the linkage exercise you have done, then your report would have multiple references, your report become an integrated report.

Good luck..