
"The nation behaves well if it treats the natural resources as assets which it must turn over to the next generation increased, and not impaired in value." Theodore Roosevelt

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Stakeholder Satisfaction Survey by ISORES

Today's topic would be:


ISORES is established to take active part and roles in sustainable development, taking part to engage, to enhance, to empower our stakeholder to be able to embrace their success..

ISORES provides trainings/enhancement/empowerment, research/assessment/studies/surveys as well as assistance/consultancy/coaching services for variety of expertise that are group under the triple bottom line of Profit, People and Planet including assistance in Sustainability Report writing and assurance.

We promote "Stakeholder Satisfaction Survey" that could also be utilize to calculate your "Program Performance Index" to understand more on the effectiveness and impacts of your program and your stakeholder perspectives.

ISORES welcomes everyone who would like to use our services to learn more on Indonesia prior to their investment.

please visit us at www.isoresid.com that will launch this October 1st 2015
*if you visit now it may still under construction mode