
"The nation behaves well if it treats the natural resources as assets which it must turn over to the next generation increased, and not impaired in value." Theodore Roosevelt

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Stakeholder Satisfaction Survey

Today's topic would be: Stakeholder Satisfaction Survey

More and more companies are now implementing CSR program, or CSV, but not much understand how to measure your stakeholder satisfaction, measuring your CSR program performance, in form of an index or score that is easier to understand rather than a long narrative write up about qualitative review of each program performance.

As many service industry use Importance Performance Analysis (IPA), any other company can also use the same analysis to measure their social responsibility program. The four quadrant resulted from the analysis will help management review the program implementation whether is match the stakeholder expectation, over doing or not match at all.

Untuk teman-teman yang ada di Indonesia, dan tertarik lebih jauh untuk mengetahui survey kepuasan masyarakat atau stakeholder bisa langsung menghubungi saya di missluki@live.com atau wardhani.lukita@gmail.com. 

This year, we are trying to expand our experience not only for sharing our insight but also to assist those who are in need of social survey, assessment, analysis, or even developing CSR program plan.

We are welcoming anyone who is interested to utilize our assistance related to Indonesian Sustainability context.

cheers.. and happy holiday..