
"The nation behaves well if it treats the natural resources as assets which it must turn over to the next generation increased, and not impaired in value." Theodore Roosevelt

Friday, November 26, 2010

Improving corporate values with CSR as risk management

Today's topic would be:

Improving Corporate Values with accountable CSR Program

It start with how? How do we as corporate increase our corporate values in public with CSR?
then one of the answer could be.. "an accountable CSR program"..

continue with why, "why do we as corporate need one?"
There are many answer but one of them are, as risk management. A working paper wrote by Beth Kytle and John Gerard Ruggie on March 2005 called "Corporate Social Responsibility as Risk Management", introduction page, paragraf 5 (I think):
from a company prespective, social risk, like any other risk, arises when its own behaviour or the action of others in its operating environment creates vulberabilities. In the case of social risk, stakeholder may identify those vulnerability and apply pressure on social issues becomes a competitive necessity, managing social risk will need to become more fully embedded in corporate strategy.

last paragraf:
CSR program are a necessary element of risk management for global companies because they provide the framework and principles for stakeholder engagement, can supply a wealth of intelligence on emerging and current social issues/groups to support the corporate risk agenda, and ultimately serve as a countermeasure for social risk.

As my bos use to said almost at all meeting with other department in our company, CSR is a tool for company to earn social license to operate, which in case of plantation, mining and oil-gas business are ought to have, particularly from local community in your first (direct) ring stakeholder.

If the management and the corporate thinks that CSR as a risk management tool, then budget will be consider as social investment and not expenses which will surely create a big different in how to manage it.

If management consider CSR budget as expenses, then they would not sincerely committed to empower and engage with stakeholder especially local community, nor empowering them to be self-reliant. Why, because all cost born from each of empowerment project will be consider as burden to company, as a waste of money spend just to get nothing in return.

Although many of managers and senior management are now realize the benefit of CSR and accepted the concept of sustainability and even consider CSR as risk management, they sometime confuse on capitalizing the benefit of their CSR programs achievement.

If we measure base on community or stakeholder satisfaction that although it would be ideal, but it would be very hard because limit of satisfaction of each people and each community are very different. But yes it still can be standardize.

So how to measure it?

again my bos said, no news is good news, which means no grievances coming to your door requesting your attention to solve it in very limited time (sometime) with chance to create negative impact that sometime could cost your operation to be shut down.

The GRI only provide a guidelines on how we do it, similar like ISO and other, but how measure it, it all depend on how your company want and what indicator you set for your own project.